about me

o.k. this whole website is about me but this is me specifically.

but while i am here, i will talk a little about the website itself.

this is FISH WORLD 2024 where i dump the contents of my own little fish world into a website to share with the big fish world.
i hope this place makes you feel either safe or confused or maybe just ok about it.
perfect for people who are also fish in the world. welcome to people who are literally anything else in the world. i love you

(that's me)

my name is sacha but i also go by tims. i don't know what i am but i was born in 2006.

my pronouns are he/him in the way one might refer to an animal or inanimate object.
i know that sounds kind of androcentric but please trust me on this one. i feel it in my bones

right now it is where i am.

i believe all fish are angels (this goes for all other aquatic life as well).

i draw on my computer.

things i like

things i don't like

music i listen to

i really like music. mostly electronic stuff like trance and dnb
here are a few songs for you to listen to right now:

and here is my spotify playlist that i listen to all day:

it's usually ordered with the newest added at the top except for the NEWEST newest ones at the very bottom which may or not be there.