
ocean world in color sea see world in color...color of the world of the ocean. see the world
or something like that

epm x pbk is adapted from a vigenère cipher i don't remember what the text/key was exactly. it doesn't really matter i wanted something that didn't have much meaning or connotation attached to it already


a smaller part of fish world where everyone was born. if you think you were born here let me know. if you aren't sure yet which you probably aren't because i've only shown a couple photos keep reading and seeing.

reconstructing bluehome

i don't have any true images of bluehome. i haven't been able to find nor create them. my sense of what bluehome is comes from fleeting images and feelings i've had since i was very young...! a feeling of familiarity and safety. and the color blue

that is to say, all of these images and descriptions are just reconstructions of what i think i know. i wish i could show you the real thing but i think it's deeply buried. until then i have some pictures and guesses. just throwing stuff together until something feels a little bit right

this is as much about sharing this place with others as it is about just organizing my own thoughts so i can start to understand it a little better myself. thanks for watching this come together with me

bluehome nervous system

other fractal reconstructions

using fractal art has been very useful for me to try and make sense of bluehome. there's so much depth in every fractal that it really is like exploring an entire world

maybe too purple. some sort of outer boundary
spreading; zoomed way out
inner low circulation


hydrothermal vents

while my sense of bluehome mostly comes from my own perceived experiences and memories, i do believe there is a real basis for its existence. it has a strong resemblance to underwater hydrothermal vents, which may very well have been the first source of life's beginnings on earth.

this connection reinforced the idea that bluehome is actually a "home" and possibly a birthplace. i also think it continues to seep into the larger world with the other connections i found


2000s-early2010s tech/gui design

windows vista gui (2007)
lg town gt350 (2010)
mp3 player design seems to lag behind other tech
frutiger aero in general (2000s)

could just be the nostalgia talking but i do believe this era of design is connected to or influenced by some connection to bluehome. why this time period specifically ? i think that computer display capabilities and graphic software had become advanced enough to produce these kinds of graphics more easily and more widespread. it was a sweet spot where bluehome was able to fully take shape with the tools we had.

there is also some earlier computer art from the 90s that looks somewhat like this as well, but perhaps the tools to create that kind of art weren't as accessible then. i feel like the internet and ui design is strongly rooted in bluehome, and what we saw in the 2000s/2010s is what that design had been leading up to before the trend took a turn towards minimalism.

the photos on the right came from the cd i have. the dates are estimated based on the metadata of the images themselves; i don't know when they were actually created. anyway, you can see how this style started to take shape before it was widespread in ui design.

by this point i've strayed a little bit from bluehome—these images may not be directly related to it, but my point with this whole section was that the resemblance, however varying, suggests bluehome's roots in computer design and the internet.

and while this design style has somewhat phased out in modern design, love for similar aesthetics like frutiger aero remains alive and well. it's the innate search for the beauty and safety of our home.. ♡



take your last breath and r.u.n by TURQUOISEDEATH

i can't even begin to stress how incredibly unexplainably important this is it's closer than literally anything else maybe the melody is just familiar but its really fucking messing with me

The Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes by Bite Handle

just feels like it makes sense. heartbeat-like..

i don't need it anymore (iimago mix) by Purity Filter

this one was also on my about page. i've held onto it for a while

akiyama by lexycat

very sincere sounding and very familiar. wonder if it uses samples or if it's just like that. not sure if it's bluehome Exactly or something adjacent

on the phone by Lafew

very pretty very simple and pure

City of Nothing by C3NTELL4

very close to the "pure" reconstruction i did maybe if it's closer to a reconstruction then does it really count? i think it sort of does

Lil Happy Pill by 1amghost/Cybertorment

switching to bandcamp for this one because they took all of their music off spotify sorry. very clean

run away forever by 4evrx

reminds me what bluehome feels like. about going home

bonus: pikmin?

blue pikmin specifically. i just think they know what it's all about. swimming around and stuff. mouth to show emotion. i think they know

anyway all of this stuff is very surface level. it's easy to see all of it and just think of it as some idea but it's very real. it feels real. this isn't all there is to it i just don't have very much to work with. sometimes i worry i'm straying to far from bluehome itself and replacing the memories with things it really isn't. but what is there to do!!!