
my fish friend


who is daisy
what is daisy
balancing two bodies
fun fact


who is daisy?????

no, really...

o.k., well i'm not really sure. take a look at these, then i'll explain some more.

what is daisy

daisy is equally fish and human. actually perhaps slightly more fish, on account of having two sets of gills but only one set of lungs. not to mention a few extra fins as well.

this is very important: the fish and human are one organism. both are daisy. neither form alone is daisy, in the same way that each of our body parts is not more uniquely "ourselves" than any other one. see my drawing on the right: the two are inextricably linked. both are extensions of each other. o.k.?

i don't like to use pronouns for daisy except maybe when talking to my friends. anyone can use any ones they want though. i just don't want to set a precedent.

balancing two bodies

daisy's age (years)

actual age human age fish age
2 3 1
4 6 2
6 9 3
8 12 4
10 15 5
12 18 6
14 21 7
16 24 8
18 27 9
20 30 10
22 33 11
24 36 12
26 40 12
28 43 13
30 46 14

...you get the point. the bold row is where i imagine daisy to be right now.

having both a human body and a fish body has interesting implications, one of which being age. fish and humans have very different life expectancies, but since daisy's bodies are linked, one cannot die before the other. therefore, they age at different rates to compensate. to the left is a table of how daisy ages relative to the actual number of years that have passed. the table makes a few assumptions:

  1. an average human life expectancy of 76 years
  2. an average striped bass life expectancy of 24 years (kind of arbitrary)
  3. daisy's actual life expectancy being the average of those two (50 years)

so to compensate, the human body would age faster, and the fish body would age slower. ultimately, both bodies would age at a rate where they would reach their respective life expectancies in 50 years. at 50 years old, daisy would be 76 years old as a human, and 24 years old as a fish.

i'd say daisy is about 24 years old right now, but with a 36-year-old human body, and a 12-year-old fish body. what that means for the age and maturity of daisy's mind, i'm not really sure.

fun fact

o.k. another thing about the two bodies is they can change size relative to each other as long as the total mass stays the same. i just made this up because i often find myself being very inconsistent with the size of the fish when i draw daisy. take your mistakes and turn them into lore!!!

the two comparison drawings on the right aren't quite to scale, but they give an example of how the proportions can look with different sizes. they're also pretty close to the two most common ways i draw daisy in general. the leftmost drawing is probably closer to the base/"default" forms, but i draw somehing closer to the other one more often.

clearly the size difference is way more noticable with the fish cuz it's smaller...the human body can only gain up to 40lbs from the fish body, while the fish body can gain up to 130lb. both, however, can lose nearly all their weight technically. i don't want to draw that though because i don't really know how that would work except maybe in abstract form

human:5'5" 130lb
fish:4'0" 40lb

human:5'8" 155lb
fish:1'6" 15lb


o.k.... all that, and i never really talked about who daisy is. i still don't really know. i imagine daisy to be pretty nomadic, walking along the roads and such. speaks slowly and is slow moving. energy levels are all or nothing. knows fear. not an easy person to fool but will humor you anyway. can generally be trusted. might reside somewhere in and/or around the hudson river. here's some more art, there's more but i wouldn't really wanna put it here because they feel outdated. btw the scar under the lip is a fish hook i'm not sure if that's obvious. i doin't know if it's even visible sometimes i forget to draw it on the fish anyhow



